Superviso for
Identity Governance

Superviso by Kantoku is a comprehensive set of functionalities enabling organizations to efficiently oversee various information security processes, including the management of privileges and identities.


of breaches involve credentials


accounts in use by the average employee

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Empowering organizations with seamless information security processes and effective oversight.


Effortlessly and securely retrieve automatically privileges and identities with our different integrations.

Detect Issues

Swiftly identify discrepancies between approved accesses and their configured counterparts.

Highlights some of the core functionalities


Users initiate an access request via Superviso, and approvers/provisioners receive notifications. No manual intervention needed by other teams.


Encrypted integration credentials. Dedicated database per organization. Automation to prevent human errors. Regular security scans to identify potential issues.

Stay Compliant

Every organization must now adhere to various compliance frameworks. Identity Governance is fundamental to any robust information security program.

No Buzzwords

It's not rocket science. We are applying well-known, effective processes without getting caught up in buzzwords. We prioritize simplicity and efficiency.

Best Practices

Hands-on experience

Superviso is developed by information security professionals holding renowed certifications. Backed by years of hands-on experience, we've successfully implemented these processes with numerous clients.

Key concepts: Privileges include groups, permissions, and roles. These privileges are granted to identities, which can be users like employees or consultants, or generic like service accounts or API keys.

Users request privileges through an access request with an approval workflow. Privilege owners then review granted accesses periodically.


Set up integrations to make your life easier

Managing privileges and identities across your applications, and assuring the related documentation, can swiftly become cumbersome.

Our integrations allow to retrieve and reconcile many times per day without your interventions.

Founder at Kantoku

Jean-Philippe Rivard Lauzier


For years, I found myself repeatedly implementing the same processes for both employers and clients. Manual procedures are time-consuming and prone to errors. Existing solutions come at a hefty price for small and medium-sized businesses.

I developed Kantoku to be the ideal solution for my role as an information security professional. I personally use Kantoku daily with my clients.
