Release Notes for K/Superviso

May 2024

  • Feature Introduced comments feature for assets, controls, evidence tasks, evidence task periods, and third parties.
  • Feature A new timeline view showcasing all evidence task periods for the current period.
  • Enhancement Update scheduled dates for evidence task periods.
  • Enhancement CSV report for assets

April 2024

  • Feature Implemented Evidence Tasks enabling documentation of support evidence documents for controls with varying periods and frequencies.
  • Feature Apple Store Connect connector for identity Governance
  • Enhancement Added search input functionality for the users list.

March 2024

  • Enhancement Deployed Content Delivery Network (CDN) for faster loading of assets such as images and scripts.
  • Enhancement CSV report for identities and privileges reviews
  • Enhancement Enable modification of control attributes when imported from the library.

February 2024

  • Feature Google Cloud connector for Identity Governance and Asset Management
  • Feature Option to enable a Trust Center page which includes specific controls and subprocessors
  • Enhancement Exclude dynamic groups from the Microsoft 365 connector
  • Enhancement Third-party status is determined by the end date with an option to include links to legal pages
  • Enhancement Perform a third-party assessment that involves assessing performance and reaching conclusions
  • Enhancement Filter out excluded identities, privileges, and resources

January 2024

  • Feature Octopus Deploy connector for Identity Governance
  • Feature SendGrid connector for Identity Governance
  • Feature Manage third parties by conducting risk assessments focusing on confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA)
  • Feature Link third parties to specific data types for data classification and specify the data location
  • Feature Upload files such as agreements, assurance reports, etc., to third parties
  • Enhancement Retrieve uploaded files using S3 URLs
  • Enhancement Create reports containing information about all third parties
  • Enhancement Revoke all identities and privileges associated with a particular user
  • Enhancement Include usage statistics related to identities
  • Enhancement Assign contacts like sales, support, security, etc., to third parties

December 2023

  • Feature featureOS connector for Identity Governance
  • Feature Pipedrive connector for Identity Governance
  • Feature Trello connector for Identity Governance
  • Feature Update Amazon Web Services (AWS) connector to retrieve Lambda Functions
  • Feature Update Microsoft connector to retrieve Azure resources
  • Feature Manually create and delete identities that are not managed through connectors
  • Feature List invoices from third-party connectors for both DigitalOcean and Vultr connectors
  • Enhancement Restructuring the workflow for requests and reviews
  • Enhancement Remove intermediate entitities between identities, privileges, and resources
  • Enhancement Exclude archived repositories with the GitHub connector
  • Enhancement Connector logs include detailed information with queued, start, and end timestamps
  • Enhancement Retain raw data from connectors to facilitate future investigations and support
  • Enhancement Retrieve privilege descriptions from connectors when available
  • Enhancement Incorporate identities into the assets graph

November 2023

  • Feature Manage resources to document details about virtual machines, storage objects, databases, and repositories.
  • Feature Update Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft providers for retrieving resources.
  • Feature Enable documenting data classification levels, data types, and data locations for assets and resources.
  • Feature Develop a new Vultr provider for Identity Governance and Asset Management.
  • Feature Develop a new DigitalOcean provider for Asset Management and Third Party Management.
  • Feature Add logic to retrieve and monitor invoices initially accessible through DigitalOcean and Vultr providers.
  • Enhancement Incorporate a global map for a swift visualization of your assets and resources worldwide, based on their data locations.
  • Enhancement Automatically configure data locations for assets and resources obtained from AWS, Microsoft, DigitalOcean, and Vultr providers.
  • Enhancement Include an asset graph for a rapid display of associated resources, privileges, identities, and owners.
  • Enhancement Assets are now capable of forming connections with other assets.
  • Enhancement Enable the activation of distinct modules per connector, such as Identity Governance, Asset Management, and/or Third-Party Management.
  • Enhancement Revise the branding from Kantoku to K/Superviso by Kantoku, associated with the domain

October 2023

  • Feature WordPress connector for Identity Governance
  • Feature Cloudflare connector for Identity Governance
  • Feature SonarCloud connector for Identity Governance
  • Enhancement MongoDB Atlas and Amazon Web Services (AWS) connectors for identities
  • Enhancement Show provider logos on the assets, privileges, and connectors list
  • Enhancement Rename the provider from AWS IAM to Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Enhancement Set a user as external (without login) or standard (with login)
  • Enhancement Set configuration for domains that must be considered standard users

September 2023

  • Feature Sentry connector for Identity Governance
  • Feature Microsoft connector for Identity Governance
  • Feature Google Analytics connector for Identity Governance
  • Feature Identities for shared accounts, services accounts, and API keys
  • Feature Generate PDF for requests and reviews
  • Feature Trigger a manual reconciliation
  • Feature Merge users with same profile
  • Feature Anonymize deleted users
  • Feature Authentication provider for Google
  • Enhancement Set groups on assets
  • Enhancement Upload a user profile picture
  • Enhancement Slack connector with a filter by domains
  • Enhancement List all privileges on a single page
  • Enhancement Notification when a session from a new location

August 2023

  • Feature FreeScout connector for Identity Governance
  • Feature Sandbox setting to discard sending emails to users
  • Enhancement Disable privileges
  • Enhancement Send welcome email to new users
  • Enhancement Show 2FA status on the users list
  • Enhancement Send notification when an access request is provisioned
  • Enhancement Infrastructure and automation optimizations

July 2023

  • Feature Slack connector for Identity Governance
  • Feature MongoDB Atlas connector for Identity Governance
  • Feature Google Workspace connector for Identity Governance
  • Enhancement Connector logs with raw results for investigation
  • Enhancement Connector processing renamed reconciliation
  • Enhancement Configure providers with logos
  • Enhancement Review privileges with uploaded files

June 2023

  • Feature Amazon Web Services (AWS) connector for Identity Governance
  • Feature AWS IAM Identity Center connector for Identity Governance
  • Feature GitHub connector for Identity Governance
  • Enhancement Global reviewer actions on reviews
  • Enhancement Set provisioners on access requests
  • Enhancement Manage groups with users and privileges